Sadly, Twitter Misused User’s Phone Numbers UNINTENTIONALLY

Twitter assured that it has not shared our personal data with third-party apps and the issue that caused this all to occur is resolved now. It also revealed that phone numbers and emails are only collected to ensure security. The company wrote in a blog post: “We cannot say with certainty how many people were impacted by this,”. “We’re very sorry this happened and are taking steps to make sure we don’t make a mistake like this again.” Well, we appreciated that at least the app apologized for what it did but will it undo what has happened to our personal data? Last year Facebook was accused of the malpractices and it even never said sorry which is ok as after compromising user’s data what’s the point of apologizing? Well we cannot accept anything good from Twiiter as last month its own CEO’s account was compromised by hackers so are we that important? A year back, Twitter had also advised its users to change passwords when a bug was discovered. Well, my question remains that same. If these apps cannot take care of our privacy, should we leave them? How to retain our privacy while staying online on these platforms? These questions always remain unanswered and they need to be addressed as soon as possible. Recommended Read: Twitter New Feature will Help you Hide Replies on your Tweet