Breast Cancer is a vital disease and nowadays it is extremely common in women of Pakistan. Even globally, this unnoticed disease is spreading like a fire. As it remains unnoticed for a long time until its symptoms appear, the overall case gets worse.  Just recently, we have come to know that a computer program can identify breast cancer just from the routine scans. This software has even better accuracy when compared to human experts.

Now Get your Breast Cancer Checked by a Computer Software

As this software will be able to detect breast cancer at an initial stage, it will be fighting against this killer disease. In order to detect earlier signs of breast cancer, regular screening is carried on.  However, even after scanning, there is room for errors however with this software and artificial intelligence to detect cancer in breast scans, this problem is further simplified.  The software can diagonose the actual issue even if not provided with the patient’s history. It is the initial stage and researcher believe that soon this software will get more accurate and they will include more features to it as well. Also Read: PTCL launches a month-long campaign on Breast Cancer Awareness