A spokesperson from Instagram said that we are aware that many people use, view and access Instargram from their desktops/ computers. To further enhance and make the experience worthwhile the Instagram, they are working and testing the ability to create a Feed post on Instagram with their desktop/ computer browser. To check if the Instagram on desktop/ computer is available, punch in the Instagram in the browser and at the top right, in the icon tray look for a new “plus” icon. The test isn’t available to everyone and it only allows users to create posts for the main feed.

In 2017, Instagram  gave the access to its users and viewers to view Stories from their Desktop/ computers and in the end of last year direct messaging to desktop was added. At the launch of web messaging a data scientist with Instagram said that they have not found any evidence that the Instagram desktop/ computer web experience cannibalizes engagement from the native apps. He further added that, the reality is quiet different from the “cannibalizes engagement from the native apps” perception, and the users who uses both phone and desktop for Instagram, spend more time on each interface as compared to users who used only one interface exclusively for Instagram. Also Read: Content Creators on Instagram and Facebook can earn ‘Extra Cash’

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