Google Verified SMS Feature will add an Extra Layer of Security

The verified SMS feature will add an extra layer of security on Android’s RCS. With this feature, Google will be able to cross-check an actual identity to the business you are messaging.

This new feature only works for business, but it might be possible that the company will launch it for individuals as well.

How Does It work?

The verified messages will verify the business through its message content and will also check if the business is registered with Google or not. If the particular business is not registered with Google, you will not get that message. On the other hand, if the company is legally registered with Google, you will see its NAME and LOGO with the verification badge proving its authentication. In short, businesses need to sign up themselves in order to be known by Google. Currently, the feature is rolling out in nine countries including, United States, India, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, France, Philippines, Spain, and Canada, however, more countries will be added to the list gradually. Also Read: Google Maps on iOS is Getting Incognito Mode

Google introduces Verified SMS to Save Users from SPAM Messages - 72