Google Assistant Brings Audio News Feature

Previously, we also informed you that Google is now allowing you to search text-based news on the web using its Google News site. Now with the help of Google Assistant, users are able to experience something similar related to audio content. It is now making it feasible to receive relevant audio news briefs. Audio News Product Manager Liz Gannes said: “Audio has always been great, It’s a tremendously evocative medium that conveys an immense amount of information.” Users can get the audio new feed by simply saying ” Hey Google, play me the news”. Google Assistant is supporting this feature on all devices such as any smart speaker or phone. Users will get to hear different types of news that include local weather reports, sports news, traffic updates, national headlines, and much more. In order activate the new feature, make sure your Google app is up-to-date. You can now choose whether to listen to a standardized update or create a customized feed in your assistant settings. Recommended Reading: Google Assistant New Edit Feature will Solve all the Linguistic Issues