Due to the spread of this misinformation regarding Covid vaccines on its platform, Facebook has started adding labels to post that are specifically about COVID-19 shots safety. To further clean up the accusations, Facebook announced it is launching a tool in the US, giving information to people about centres that are offering COVID-19 vaccinations. Upon success, this feature will be launched for other countries as well. The company has also added COVID-19 information areas to its sister app, Instagram. While Facebook and Instagram have already tightened there policies after the Cambridge Analytica scandal and stuff, the users of these platforms keep on promoting false claims about the shots with the related keywords which leave a mark on people. While talking about this in an interview, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer Chris Cox told that the company has taken this misinformation very seriously but he also revealed that there is a huge grey area of people who are spreading this misinformation due to the doubt and concerns regarding the vaccination. “The best thing to do in that huge grey area is just to show up with authoritative information in a helpful way, be a part of the conversation and do it with health experts,” he added By labelling Facebook and Instagram post regarding Covid-19 Vaccines safety, the doubts and concerns of people might be answered in an effective way and they will also come to know that this information having a label is authentic. On the other hand, Twitter is targeting misinformative Covid Vaccines post with Labels. Also Read: Facebook launches Instagram lite for Average Internet Connection & Budget Phones